22 April 2012

You're either part of the problem, or part of the solution

A fellow music writer/critic wrote two interesting things recently on his own blog, one of which I agree with and the other I find contentious.

He stated that we shouldn't be supporting local music just because it's local - rather we should judge each band on their own merits and to the standards we would apply to music from anywhere else.

This isn't a new proposition, but it's one that took me some time to come around to.  When I initially heard it (in response to the annual New Zealand Music Month) I disagreed and felt that we should support local music over music from overseas.

13 April 2012

Get your hot tunes here!

Here we are again, with another round of new tunes for your entertainment, and just in time for the weekend too! Get stuck into these, let me know what you think of them, and if you find anything you like buy it.

Next week I'll be back with some words of my own.