3 March 2012

Ear treats

It's that time again boys and girls.  Time for new tunes that is.  Here's this week's installment of musical gems sourced from the internet for your listening pleasure.

Alphabethead is one of my favourite DJ's and is always a pleasure to watch for his turntable wizardry and general genius.  The All Seeing Hand is a band featuring Alphabethead and friends.

Wellington's About the Deadlines do bluesy rock, and do it well.  Check 'em out.

Mountaineater are an amazing band from Dunedin, New Zealand.  Their music is stark, yet big, and builds awesome and epic soundscapes. Nice.

Now let's git a bit heavier shall we... This week I've been listening to a lot of artists on Throat Ruiner records, so here's a selection of some of my favourites.

Comity's album The Journey Is Over Now is a 4 part opus, with long churning songs of bleakness.  Here's the final part of the album.

Noise punks The Rodeo Idiot Engine play intense bursts of metal, sort of like a Basque Dillinger Escape Plan. It's some crazy shit.

Pariso are another intense band, leaning more to the hardcore end of the spectrum, and this track sums up their album Sooner Insignificant Better.

Birds in a Row are straight up awesome, in that hardcore way again, but also with a bit of groove.

As We Draw are droney, but definitely in a good way.  A bit slower than the tracks above, they're a reminder of why it's good to slow down a bit sometimes.

Nesseria are brutal European metallers but don't let that put you off.  They also make good music for you.

Quartier Rouge are rough, punky metallers, and sound like they're having a lot of fun.

Pigeon only have a two track demo out, but it's good stuff and doesn't sound like "just a demo". This is grinding doomy metal for a rainy day.

If you're like me and are always looking out for new writing on music, and new musical tidbits to entertain you, do yourself a favour and check out http://houdidontblog.wordpress.com/.

Check back next week for some words of musical wisdom - until then, drop a comment below and let me know what new music you've been listening to.

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