Okay, hopefully you know the deal by now. Every second week, like this one, there'll be some new tunes that I've come across in the previous fortnight. Alternate weeks I'll somehow transmutate my thoughts on the world of music into words for your eyes to process into electrical impulses that transmit themselves into your brain. In a way it's just mind-reading. Hear, that? You can read minds. Enough drivel, here's some music.
Dirty Atlanta punks Whores have only got this one track available to you, the public. But if you like it, there is an album out real soon. I thought it was pretty fun stuff; raw, dirty and catchy at the same time.
Thorun is from Wales. Did you know they made music in Wales? They do. And it's dark and gloomy like medieval times. It's still medieval times there right? But with recording studios. Trippy.
Fire Spoken By The Buffalo got their mate round to record their debut in another mate's Florida living room. So yeah, quality isn't perfect, there's a few slip ups, but it's real as all hell.
Red Robot got in touch a while back about their album coming out. I forgot about it, then I found it again. Their alt-something from California, but they make catchy non-robot music for humans. It's the sort of music you'd go "sink a few brewskis" down at the beach too, if you lived in California (that's how kids talk in California apparently).
Thiefs make wierd-ass experimental electronic jazz noise. It's better than than I can describe it and pretty darn cool.
St Rupertsberg are an 8-piece all girl band from Wellington, New Zealand. I don't know how you even get 8 people to all turn up at the right time to begin making songs that require all 8 people to be in-sync. It's the sort of music that accompanies those scenes in movies where someone's watching silent home movies on a projector of themselves twirling and laughing on a beach in the 70's sunshine (because sunshine looked different 40 years ago). Did I mention there's 8 people in this band. Wow.
Well, that's about it then for this week. Next week I've been challenged to publish my list of the greatest guitarists of all time (because Rolling Stone could only come up with Jimi Hendrix and he's been playing the same riffs for the last 40 years). And in a few weeks you'd best be bracing yourself for my top 10 albums and live bands of the year. That's 20 or so bands (expect some crossover) who wowed me this year.
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