28 October 2011

Some hot new Halloween tunes for your aural pleasure

The-Shocking-and-Stunning-09Okay kids, this week I thought I'd start something different on the ol' blog and share some tracks that have been floating out there in cyberspace and, at the same time, floating my boat. There's a high probability that I'll start doing this regularly and alternating this sort of thing with my usual ramblings on the state (both sorry and inspiring) of the music world.

And before the accusations of yet another lazy post start up, I do spend a lot of time scouring through piles of music (metaphorically of course, since digital files don't come in piles) to find these tracks.

So let's see how this goes, eh?

First up, we've got a bit of folk for you folks, courtesy of Wellington's Emily Fairlight.  I can't get enough of this track in particular, but this talented songstress has just released an album full of tracks like this one.  If you like her sound, check out the rest of her songs, and buy the album.

Next up, a bit of indie/electronica from Auckland's Outrun The Buffalo.  I had the pleasure of reviewing their EP earlier in the year and it's still something I listen to regularly.  I like this track mainly for the imagery - puppets are indeed "creepy little things".

Okay, not exactly a newer band, but Russian Circles are awesome and this is a new album, so we'll let it slide.  I had the pleasure of photographing these guys a couple of months ago and their sound just blew my mind.  Here's a track from their new album, which should be compulsory listening.

Speaking of compulsory listening, everyone should be getting into Auckland's Kerretta.  They've been around a while, but again new album so blah blah.  The bass in this track is huge and rumbly and chuggy and everything that's good about bass.  Listen to it loud.

This gem makes it in by virtue of being the only track that is tagged both Halloween and Hip Hop.  It's alright too, in a quirky, bouncy kind of way.

Lucky last for this week is Sacramento post-hardcore experimentalists A Lot Like Birds.  A catchy track, with a nice blend of melody and brutality - reminds me a bit of the mellower Dillinger Escape Plan, with a heavy slab of The Number Twelve Looks Like You (both also bands you should be listening to if you like this sort of thing).

That should give you a few new things to listen to this week.  Next week look forward to something random on the topic of music.  Until then feel free to drop a comment below and let me know what you've been listening to this week, or what you think everyone else needs to hear.


  1. Hey Man, nice post. Am liking Outrun the buffalo. Cheers, Shaun

  2. Thanks Shaun. I'd have to pick Outrun The Buffalo as one of my favourite new bands this year. I keep coming back to their EP time and time again.
